A Baby Waiting For His Father For His Last Step

I was moved yesterday to hear this that a small baby which just started his beautiful life just 11 months ago died on 2nd of December due to a disease & his dead body is kept in a mortuary in Mumbai. Baby boy’s name is Vivan & his body can be cremated by his father according to our Hindu religion. But his father is in jail in the country in “Togo”. He is a naval officer ranked Captain. Five months ago he went to South Africa taking his ship their. But on the way to returning from their his ship was attacked by the pirates. And he being accused of link with pirates captured by Togo & thrown in the jail. He found out to be innocent & the charges has been lifted but still he’s inside the jail waiting to be get freed.

His wife named Aditi tried to get into the touch of the Indian Government specially Prime Minister. She came to Delhi yesterday & went to the PMO office. PMO spokesperson we are looking into the matter & Foreign Ministry is active but no use. They are giving only hope not acting actively. Fed up of this governments’ way.